“ an American science writer at the zenith of his profession. “ delivers what a science book should it reveals the new and re-enchants the old.” - Prospect Magazine Carl Zimmer is one our very best science writers. Those little stinkers have been around a lot longer than we have, and they have some story to tell.” - The New York Sun We should be sure to heed the lessons of E. prose is vivid without being misleading–surely one of the hallmarks of good science writing. Zimmer succeeds in engendering a healthy respect for the bug that lives inside us all.” - Seed Magazine coli has provided answers that have reshaped our very definitions of life. The book is impressive for the information it imparts and even more impressive for the ideas it provokes.” - New England Journal of Medicine coli has helped to unravel the mysteries of our own nature and evolution. “All in all, Microcosm is a phantasmagoric read that explains how our understanding of the nature of E. coli and the emerging horizons of science.” - The New York Times Book Review Zimmer adroitly links the common heritage we share with E. This timely book deserves shelf space near Lewis Thomas’ classic Lives of a Cell.” - Cleveland Plain-Dealer “For readers who enjoy a seat at the revolution and a chance to ponder the ‘supple little bugs’ at the dawn of life, Microcosm is a bracing read. “This award-winning science writer has turned out an illuminating biography of one of biology’s most influential–and underappreciated–players.” - Discover “Creepy, mind-twisting, and delightful all at the same time” -Steven Johnson, author of The Invention of Air A quietly revolutionary book.” - Boston Globe Exciting, original, and wholly persuasive.” - New Scientist A Reprint edition in softcover was subsequently published in by Vintage Books in 2009.“A powerful account of the dynamic, complicated and social world we share with this ordinary yet remarkable bug. coli and the New Science of Life was first published by Pantheon Books on in hardcover format.

Though not a scientist himself, the acknowledgment section suggests that Zimmer’s theses have been vetted by multiple members of current E.
#Microcosm carl zimmer full
coli, by exploring examples of more primitive, intermediate forms that, while useful, fall short of full utility of propulsion.

The book refutes the notion of intelligent design as the source of novel features of the organism, such as the flagellum that are capable of propelling E. coli genesis and notes that selection can be powered by humans individually (e.g., by antibiotic administration), collectively (e.g., by large-scale industrial food production), or inadvertently (e.g., by acting as host to a microbial pathogen). Zimmer devotes considerable attention to phenotypic plasticity and natural selection in E. The book makes the case that the flagellum and antibiotic resistance evolved and continue to evolve due to selection pressure. coli including details about research exploring cellular nanomachines such as flagella and the composition and utility of microbial biofilms. The book continues on to reviews of modern and ongoing research leveraging E. Beginning at its discovery in 1885 by pediatrician and microbiologist Theodor Escherich, through isolation of the strain K12 by Edward Tatum, and leading to the numerous Nobel prize winning research based on the K12 strain and its progeny, the book recounts the large number of scientific discoveries that have relied on this simple organism. coli's role as a popular organism to study for researchers that has revealed how genes work and are regulated giving insight into evolution, behaviour and ecology. coli play in describing the fundamental features of all terrestrial life, including humans. The title Microcosm refers to the notion that insights derived from the study of a relatively simple, single-celled organism like E. coli) species of bacteria which is omnipresent in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract. The book presents an overview of genetics research and genetic engineering by telling the story about the Escherichia coli ( E. coli and the New Science of Life is a 2008 book by science writer Carl Zimmer. The Tangled Bank: An Introduction to Evolution (2009) The Descent of Man: The Concise Edition (2007)